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The E-Myth Enterprise – Kindle

Read The E-Myth Enterprise on Kindle™ provided by Amazon™.

The E-Myth Enterprise explores the requirements that any new business must meet: the satisfaction of its four primary influencers – its employees, customers, suppliers, and investors – through four fundamental categories – visual, emotional, functional, and financial. Together these form the twin strategies every entrepreneur must use to design a business.



Read The E-Myth Enterprise on Kindle™ provided by Amazon™.

Michael Gerber, the world’s top business guru and best-selling author, shows would-be entrepreneurs how to get started, operationalize their winning idea, and design a business that will thrive. Got a great idea to start a business? So now what?

The E-Myth Enterprise explores the requirements that any new business must meet: the satisfaction of its four primary influencers – its employees, customers, suppliers, and investors – through four fundamental categories – visual, emotional, functional, and financial. Together these form the twin strategies every entrepreneur must use to design a business.

The E-Myth Enterprise, fits neatly into a training program all entrepreneurs can use to fulfill their dreams.

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Hardback, Paperback, PowerPoint CD